When do I wear the Class A (Dress) Uniform?
The Dress Uniform is required at all Pack meetings unless otherwise directed by the Cubmaster. It is recommended that Scouts wear the Dress Uniform to school on days of a Pack meeting. The Dress Uniform should also be worn to all events where the Pack is participating in or observing a flag ceremony and to any other event where Dress Uniform is requested by the Cubmaster or Den Leader.
What is the Class A (Dress) Uniform?
Pack 165 considers the following an appropriate Dress Uniform –
· Cap – the wearing of a cap is optional, but if worn, it must be the official Cub Scout cap applicable to current rank. If a cap is not worn, hair should be neat and clean.
· Shirt – official Cub Scout shirt with appropriate insignia, emblems and awards (with optional red award vest if desired by Scout). Shirt must be tucked inside pants.
· Neckerchief and Slide – official neckerchief and slide applicable to current rank.
· Belt – official Cub Scout belt and buckle applicable to current rank (with knife hook and pocketknife if Scout has earned privilege to carry pocketknife).
· Pants – the wearing of the official Cub Scout pants/shorts is optional. If not worn, pants must be clean, unworn and untattered blue jeans, slacks or solid-colored shorts.
· Socks – the wearing of the official Cub Scout socks is optional. If not worn, socks must be clean, unworn and untattered white or blue socks.
· Shoes – clean, unworn and untattered dress shoes, canvas shoes, or tennis shoes.
What Insignia is Needed on the Dress Shirt?
On the right sleeve, the American Flag should be positioned near the top. Below the flag, you may, but are not required to, position a den numeral badge. Den numerals are as follows: Den 1 - Tigers; Den 2 - Wolves; Den 3 - Bears; Den 4 - first year Webelos; Den 5 - second year Webelos.
On the left sleeve, the Ore-Ida Council patch should be positioned near the top. Below the council patch, the pack numerals of 165 should be positioned.
Above left pocket, the World Crest, which shows him to be a member of the worldwide Scouting movement.
Other badges and insignia should be positioned as required by the Boy Scouts of America.