About Sea Scouts
The Purpose of Sea Scouts
For over 100 years Sea Scouting has promoted better citizenship and improved members’ boating skills through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage.
The Sea Scout Program
Sea Scout units– called ships- are established all across the country on oceans, bays, rivers, and lakes. They provide limitless opportunities and exciting challenges that you won’t ?nd anywhere else. Sea Scouts is a place to grow and learn, ?nd adventure, and build long lasting friendships.
Sea Scout Pillars
The best part of Sea Scouts is cruising and mastering the skills you learn with your shipmates. On board a vessel you share hands-on experiences as helmsman and navigator, lookout and cook, sail handler and engineer. You and your shipmates will plan and conduct your annual cruise – summer camp underway. Imagine sailing the Caribbean, cruising to Alaska, ?shing, swimming, diving, snorkeling or anything else your ship wants to do!
Sea Scouts is youth led and adult mentored. You and your shipmates lead your Sea Scout program. Elected youth leaders plan and conduct the program and adult leaders guide and support your efforts as you learn important leadership and life skills. As you gain experience you will have the opportunity to contribute as a leader in your ship. Sea Scouts are recognized and rewarded for the things they learn and do. You can earn valuable certi?cations in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR, as well as advance in rank from Apprentice to Quartermaster. Each certi?cation and level of advancement marks your growth as a sailor and a leader.
Sea Scouts take service very seriously. Sea Scouts perform various kinds of service from service to their ship, to community service. They participate service such as river or beach clean-up efforts, food drives, and youth programs. Sea Scouts also participate in flag ceremonies, and serve as honor guards at various community events.
Sea Scouts provides opportunities to share experiences with other young people who share your interests. As your ship participates in fun and exciting activities like sailing regattas, rowing races, and rendezvous, you’ll learn and grow with your shipmates. You’ll even have the opportunity to meet Sea Scouts from other parts of your community, the nation, and even the world!
Adventure on the Water
What makes Sea Scouts so unique is getting out on the water. Sea Scout ships use a variety of boats from small outboard motorboats to large sailing yachts and vessels. In your ship you will learn piloting and the rules of the road, navigation and how to read the weather. You will be fascinated by maritime history and traditions, learn knots and fancy rope work, master boat maintenance, engine service, and marine electronics skills. No matter what your ship does, you will discover thrills that you just can’t get anywhere else.
Head Start
Sea Scouts get hands-on seamanship and leadership training that will put a Sea Scout one step ahead of the rest, no matter the path they choose. If the military is not your path, Sea Scouts also get a head start on the USCG captain’s license in addition to the countless other skills and opportunities.
Ship’s Leadership
A ship is the fundamental unit of Sea Scouting. Depending on local rules, a ship must have of five or more Sea Scouts and adult leaders. Ship’s are sponsored by a chartered organization, many Sea Scout Ships are chartered by religious institutions, businesses, local maritime organizations, yacht clubs, and others.
A ship is led by youths who are elected to the positions of boatswain, boatswain’s mate, crew leader, assistant crew leader, yeoman, purser, and storekeeper. A Skipper and Mates assist the youth leadership. The ship committee, a group of adults, led by the committee chairman guide the ship program, activities, manage record keeping, finance, and registration.
The ship’s officers are the elected Sea Scout youth leaders. They work with the Skipper and mates to give leadership to your ship. Elected officers generally serve terms of six months. They are trained by the Skipper to carry out their assignments. Ship activities are selected by the officers based on the desires of the membership. For each activity,an activity committee chair is appointed. Activity chairmen may be invited to quarterdeck meetings by the boatswain to present detailed plans of coming events and activities. Monthly quarterdeck meetings are held by the officers of the ship. The Skipper and other adult officers attend this meeting. The boatswain determines an agenda with the Skipper’s approval, and conducts quarterdeck meetings.
- Plan and conduct regular quarterdeck meetings.
- Give leadership to all ship meetings and activities.
- Share responsibilities of leading the ship with the other officers.
- Know the needs and interests of ship members.
- Watch for individual ship members who may have problems, questions, or concerns.
- Direct the development of your ship’s operational plan.
- Appoint ship members to serve as activity committee chairs.
Boatswain’s Mate for Administration
- Take over for the ship’s boatswain when necessary.
- Give leadership to recruiting new members into the ship by
- Coordinating plans for an annual open house to invite new members to join
- Encouraging all ship members to bring new prospects to ship meetings and activities
- Admitting new members into the ship. Be sure they are introduced and feel welcome.
- Follow up with ship members who seem to be losing interest in the ship.
- Recognize the achievements of ship members.
- Conduct opening and closing ceremonies for your ship.
Boatswain’s Mate for Program
- Collect activity and meeting ideas from ship members by
- Asking ship members what they would like their ship to do
- Surveying ship members on their interests
- Evaluating ship meetings and activities after they take place
- Maintain an activities file of programs, activities, projects, and trips.
- Help ship’s activity chairs plan and conduct successful activities.
- Keep minutes of quarterdeck and ship meetings.
- Remind officers of assigned tasks.
- Keep membership records for the ship.
- Supervise ship’s correspondence.
- Keep all ship members informed about coming meetings, activities, and projects.
- Handle all publicity
- Track income and expenditures of the ship with guidance from the adult committee treasurer.
- With the help of your ship’s Skipper and officers,set up a yearly budget.
- Make regular treasury reports at ship’s meetings.
- Obtain approval from ship officers and Skipper for expenditures.
- Procure and arrange equipment maintenance.
- Track the coming and going of ship equipment.
- Keep an inventory of equipment.
Crew Leader
- Maintain the morale and conduct of the crew.
- Help train crew members.
- Delegate responsibilities to crew members.
- The Specialist is the youth instruction leader in its unit. Other youth instruction leaders are:
- Teaches basic skills in a ship.
- Schedule/Coordinate Merit Badge Counselor(s) for troop/scout instruction.
- Sets a good example.
Activity Chair (Appointed by the Boatswain)
- Consult with the boatswain and Skipper regarding the assigned activity.
- Plan, promote, run and evaluate an event.
- Recruit and chair a committee if necessary
All Officers
- Support the boatswain and officers in their leadership functions.
- Work closely with the Skipper and adult leaders.
- Lead and inspire by example.
- Stimulate participation and encourage teamwork.
- Recruit new members for the ship.
- Carry out other duties as assigned by the boatswain.
Join Us
How to Join Ship 5297
Sea Scouts is a co-ed program for youth (male and female) who are 14 years old (or 13 years and completed the eighth grade) but not yet 21.
Sea Scouting builds character through high adventure. As a Sea Scout, you can learn to sail, to row, and to keep a boat in shape. You can cruise local waters or go sailing on long cruises far from home. You can learn to dive, and you will be active in camping, social events, tours, regattas, excursions, and seamanship contests.
If you, or your son or daughter, are interested in Sea Scouting or would like more information, please consider joining us for one of our activities!
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 7-9 at The Church of the cross in Hoffman Estates, IL. You are welcome to come to any meeting to check us out.
5 easy steps to becoming a Sea Scout with Ship 5297
- Complete BSA paperwork using this link:
- Pay Ship Dues at your first meeting.
- Attend Ship Meetings
- Purchase a Sea Scout Uniform