Canoeing Adventure
Boys Scouts meet the "Greatest Spectacle in Racing"
We were guests of St James Troop sharing their SCOUT BUS to Indianapolis Motor Speedway. We also enjoyed great food!
Back Pack Trip
Scouts did an overnight back pack trip in Eastfork Park. They had to carry everything needed for the five mile hike and an overnight stay.
2016 Activities
Young Scouts then.....Eagle's Now! Congratulations to Sean, Steve and Matt.
Peterloon is one of the nation's oldest camporee. We were there!
Summer Camp, Camp Friedlander
Working on an Eagle Scout Project
Here's the troop working on Steve Comarata's Eagle Project

Ft Knox Tank Museum
On April 17, 2011 our scouts planned a trip to the Ft. Knox Tank Museum. Unbeknownst to us, the Army moved a significant number of tanks and completely rehabed the museum calling it the Gen. George Patton Museum of Leadership. Despite the abscense of many of the tanks, it was a good day of learning and activity.

Troop 471 Visits United States Air Force Museum
Always a popular outing, our scouts visited the United States Air Force Musuem on March 12, 2011
8 Webelos Scouts Crossover
Sunday February 20th, Cub Scout Pack 42 held their annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Cub and Boy Scouts celebrated Mass with their leaders and families, then had breakfast and award ceremony. The event culminated with eight of the 2nd year WEBELOS crossing the rope bridge, leaving behind cub scouts and heading for boy scouts! Although the weather was gloomy and rainy, these young men (and their families) braved the elements and make a successful crossing. Welcome to the troop!
Chilly Winter Campout!!
February 4-6 our Scouts braved below freezing conditions and had a great time surviving the snow and ice. This campout was held at Miami Whitewater Park's Hidden Hollow Youth Camp. A primitive camping area with a three sided shelter. The shelter provided a great space for our cooking and dining area. A large fire ring kept our campers warm when they weren't hiking the woods. Scouts had the opportunity of pitching tents on about 3 inches of snow, then braved freezing rain during the over night on Friday and snow throughout the day on Saturday. It was quite an adventure. Temperatures and wind chills dipped to the mid to low twenties overnight. But everyone survived and had a great time.
January means Merit Badge Challenge!!
Each year when the weather turns cold, and outdoor events are at a minimum, Dan Beard Council give the Scouts an opportunity to earn some of the more unusual merit badges. During the Merit Badge Challenge, Scouts have the chance to earn up to three merit badges over a six week period. They go to classes from 8AM to 1PM every other Saturday for six weeks. This is a huge event for Dan Beard Council with well over 800 scouts participating at the location we attend.
Scouts take a quick break at Merit Badge Challenge. The whole crew on the final day!
Webelos/Boy Scout CampoutOn December 3 and 4, 2010, the second year Webelos from Pack 42 braved a night in a cave with the Boy Scouts of Troop 471. Parents of Webelos and their sons got to experience a brief glimpse into the active life as a member of Troop 471. Blue Springs Cavern in Bedford, Indiana was the destination. Our group of almost 40 got a chance to experience a river boat ride and wild caving experience that was topped off by an overnight stay in the cavern.
Peterloon 2010
October 15-17, 2010 eight Scouts and four adults braved two chilly fall nights at one of Scouting's oldest events. Dan Beard Council's premier event is held every two years and hosts close to 6,000 participants.
Summer Camp 2010
Each Year approximately 15-20 of our young men spend the week at Camp Friedlander. They earn merit badges and learn valuable outdoor skills. Pictured are just a few of our Scouts and Adult Leaders.